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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The 3 P’s….only for Men

Here in Gaming we try to take some time and encourage male bonding and the same for women.  Every Wednesday, there is a women’s only scripture study at the TOR Sister’s home. 

In that vein, last Wednesday, we decided it was time for some male bonding: thus the three P’s.

So what are the 3 P’s?

1. Praise

2.  Pizza

3.  Poker

Yes, that’s right, we started off with some Praise & Worship, and then headed into the pizza and the card playing (Texas Hold-em) of course. 

We had about 30 men and a few faculty and staff.  As the blinds were raised, they started dropping out like flies.  Soon it was down to the final table and then the winner.

The winner this semester was Tim Glemkowski.  Our hat’s off to Tim for his sense, his risk, and his good sportsmanship. 100_3792 100_3793 100_3790 100_3791

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