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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kid's Fall Festival

Yesterday at the Kartause, the students along with female residence director, Katie Hess hosted a Fall/All Saint's Day party for the Kartause kids. As I watched from afar, it was evident that the kids were thoroughly enjoying themselves! They loved all the attention from the students as they paraded through the dorms and they especially loved all the cookies, candies, and cake at the party. Who wouldn't?

Among many other instances, the kid's party underscores and illuminates one of the unique parts of Austria: its intimate involvement with children and families. I have often heard students comment about how much they enjoy, appreciate, and admire the children. They uplift their tired and too often weary spirits. They are living witnesses to the joy of life and to the joy of knowing and loving Jesus with a child-like faith.

I hope, for years to come, that children will remain intimately involved in the program for indeed they are an icon of simplicity, joy, love, and trust, and gentleness. We would do better to imitate their example and learn from them as much as they learn from us!

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