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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This past weekend in Gaming we had our first snowfall. Everybody was ecstatic as it was pouring rain before the snow came. Over the weekend, students--male and female--as well as faculty & staff, and numerous children could be found sledding, playing in the snow, or building snowmen! What others are even more excited about is that this Saturday, the Hochkhar ski mountain opens for business. Incidentally, we will be doing a ski trip on opening day! Can't wait!
Can you believe it, only two more weeks until the semester is over! Just a reminder to make the most of it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

10 day Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi

All 160 students as well as the Student Life Staff, T.O.R. Friars and Sisters headed down to the "Eternal City" of Rome and then off to Assisi for the past 10 days.

The schedule was jamm-packed with walking tours everyday, mass at a different major basilica each day, a papal audience, as well as some free time to explore the Vatican Museums or some other treasure. In Assisi, we also had tours, more free time, and also a special silent hike up to the hermitage of St. Francis up in the mountains. Concluding the pilgrimage was a special Tau Cross ceremony during the closing Mass where each person would kiss the cross as a sign of their conversion and "new beginning."
The weather was fantastic and I believe the most drama we had was a train / metro strike on one of the days which caused us to change around the schedule.

Eating pasta and wine for both lunch and dinner, gelati and other goodies has resulted in many of us dieting from Rome. But, nonetheless, we all loved every minute of it.

Now, we are looking at only 3 1/2 more weeks and the semester will be wrapped up!

The end's still a bit off, so finish strong, stay focused, and enjoy your last few weeks in Europe!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Kid's Fall Festival

Yesterday at the Kartause, the students along with female residence director, Katie Hess hosted a Fall/All Saint's Day party for the Kartause kids. As I watched from afar, it was evident that the kids were thoroughly enjoying themselves! They loved all the attention from the students as they paraded through the dorms and they especially loved all the cookies, candies, and cake at the party. Who wouldn't?

Among many other instances, the kid's party underscores and illuminates one of the unique parts of Austria: its intimate involvement with children and families. I have often heard students comment about how much they enjoy, appreciate, and admire the children. They uplift their tired and too often weary spirits. They are living witnesses to the joy of life and to the joy of knowing and loving Jesus with a child-like faith.

I hope, for years to come, that children will remain intimately involved in the program for indeed they are an icon of simplicity, joy, love, and trust, and gentleness. We would do better to imitate their example and learn from them as much as they learn from us!