Prospective Fall 2007 Students,
The Gaming staff are very excited for your arrival at the end of the month. Can you believe that in only about 20 days you will be over 4,000 miles away from home? Preparations have been underway for months and the word on the street is that you are a "really good group" (which is really what is said about every semester, so don't get yourself too puffed up.)
We have been preparing logistically, praying for you, and prepping classes, and now we can hardly wait to meet you in person.
As the Director of Student Life, I assure you we have a great semester lined up: an extra papal mass and visit to the Austrian Pilgrimage shrine of Mariazell, outdoor soccer, football, and basketball games, breathtaking hikes, alpine skiing (as long as it snows!) awesome tours (and weekend trip to Salzburg that will include Munich as well for the first time), a possible vineyard experience, the normal highlights of Rome & Assisi, Vienna, the Wachau valley, Poland, and I could go on and on.
If you have some time, start reflecting on your one and only semester in Gaming, Austria. While it is important not to have too many expectations, it is advisable to have some goals. Shoot high won't be disappointed.
If you have special questions / concerns, put them in the comments section and we will try to respond as soon as possible.
Also, just this summer, Student Life has posted to the study abroad website its student & staff created book of Travel Tips n' Tricks regarding destinations all over the continent and pertinent travel recommendations. Check it out @ the following link
We have been preparing logistically, praying for you, and prepping classes, and now we can hardly wait to meet you in person.
As the Director of Student Life, I assure you we have a great semester lined up: an extra papal mass and visit to the Austrian Pilgrimage shrine of Mariazell, outdoor soccer, football, and basketball games, breathtaking hikes, alpine skiing (as long as it snows!) awesome tours (and weekend trip to Salzburg that will include Munich as well for the first time), a possible vineyard experience, the normal highlights of Rome & Assisi, Vienna, the Wachau valley, Poland, and I could go on and on.
If you have some time, start reflecting on your one and only semester in Gaming, Austria. While it is important not to have too many expectations, it is advisable to have some goals. Shoot high won't be disappointed.
If you have special questions / concerns, put them in the comments section and we will try to respond as soon as possible.
Also, just this summer, Student Life has posted to the study abroad website its student & staff created book of Travel Tips n' Tricks regarding destinations all over the continent and pertinent travel recommendations. Check it out @ the following link
Then click on the link that says NEW:European Travel Book-Tips & Tricks to view the PDF.
Also, be sure to give the link to this blog to your parents and friends so they can keep up to date on your semester. All students, faculty, & staff will have the opportunity to post throughout the semester.
Once again, wishing you safe travels and a happy end to your summer!
Mark Kalpakgian
Director of Student Life - Austrian Program
Also, be sure to give the link to this blog to your parents and friends so they can keep up to date on your semester. All students, faculty, & staff will have the opportunity to post throughout the semester.
Once again, wishing you safe travels and a happy end to your summer!
Mark Kalpakgian
Director of Student Life - Austrian Program
The Kartause kids will be waiting for you:
The upcoming semester sounds WONDERFUL! I wish we were coming to study, travel and grow. The Holley family will be praying for all the students and staff.
Gruss Gott!
The Keith and Kathy Holley Family
Bloomington MN
Mark! I miss you all, know that you are in my prayers always! Thanks for a wonderful semester in Austria!
Sarah, Fall '06
Who knows who I can contact for more information about the trip to Mariazell Sept 7th? I'm trying to find a way how to get there.
ex-student, Margaretha from Holland
my emailaddress:
Thank you!
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