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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Creek Jumping

Every semester students are enthralled by the little river which sits across the street from the Kartause. It just so happens, or perhaps God purposely designed it so, but there is a spot near a bridge which is idea for creek jumping. The fact that the water is near freezing and direct mountain runoff or fresh spring water only entices the students further. It is such an odd phenomenon to the locals, but not to us Kartause regulars to witness students jumping in at all times of the day. Even for someone like myself, I have to admit I found it odd when after our all day excursion to Vienna, arriving back at 10 PM, students decided to have a go at it.

For those students who haven't jumped yet, perhaps you should. Parents, I don't know why, but no matter how many warnings we give them, they just smile and keep jumping....

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