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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Religion & Culture

Part of the Gaming experience is a deep reflection on culture, both Europe's culture, Western Culture, American culture, and each autochthonous culture of Europe, such as the culture of Austria.

I found the following passage from Catholic Historian, Christopher Dawson, extremely thought provoking with regards to religion and culture:

"We must abandon the vain attempt to disregard spiritual unity and to look for a basis of social construction in material and external things. The acceptance of spiritual reality must be the basic element in the culture of the future, for it is spirit that is the principle of unity and matter that is the principle of division. And as soon as this truth is admitted, religion will no longer appear as an unessential and extraneous element in culture, but as its most vital element. For religion is the bond that unites man to spiritual reality, and it is only in religion that society can find the principle of spiritual union of which it stands in need. No secular ideal of social progress or economic efficiency can take the place of this. It is only the ideal of a spiritual order which transcends the relative value of the economic and political world that is capable of overcoming the forces of disintegration and destruction that exist in modern civilisation. The faith of the future cannot be economic or scientific or even moral; it must be religious."

I welcome any thoughts of comments about the above passage.

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