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Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Duel to the End....

Earlier this week, to celebrate Prof. Herrera's (teaches Spanish and German) birthday, all of the faculty and staff were invited to dessert and a game of good old Texas Holdem Poker.

After being down to only a few chips and going "all in" several times, it so turned out that at about midnight everybody else was out of the game except Fr. Dave and I.

It was the Director of the Program vs. the Director of Student Life, a game to remember!

Who was going to win? After going back and forth for the next thirty minutes, we ended on another, "All In!" and the winner was...........................................................................................

Fr. Dave!

I had a flush - Ave high, and he had a full house, a great way to end the game! I am looking forward to the Men's Poker night this semester. We'll see what you got!


Also, check out this new Catholic news site called Pewsitter:

Finally, there is an interesting article that relates to drinking and family life. There are some interesting correlations:\

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