Tall Tales, True Stories, & Interesting Happenings from Franciscan University's Study Abroad Program based in Gaming, Austria.
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Gaming: Finding God through Laughter and Joy
Monday, May 25, 2009
Gaming's "Illative Sense"
Monday, May 18, 2009
Relative Calm in Gaming & American Favorites
- American food: hamburgers, barbecue, ice cubes, steak, doughnuts, etc.
- The sky! While we love the mountains, the flat sky of Minneapolis is absolutely beautiful, especially when the setting sun is descending into the blue vault of
- Speaking English! Ah, we can speak with everyone...all the time!
- Shopping: we do almost all of our shopping in States for the year. The down side is the credit card bill!
- Family and friends. No explanation needed.
- Libraries. Millions of books to check out, all for free!
- Dinner parties. It is always great to catch up over dinner with friends.
- Vacation. It's great just to be on vacation, to pursue hobbies, and be with the family.
- Movies. We don't watch a lot of TV, but we do enjoy a good movie from time to time.
- The Sun! In Gaming, the sun is often sparse. In Minnesota during the summer, the weather is usually beautiful and SUNNY!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Another Gem here in Gaming…
Ah, with the students gone and summer projects to finish, the Kartause is rather lonely, but it does provide a much needed breather and plenty of opportunities to catch up with faculty and staff and just enjoy the outdoors.
Believe it or not, this past weekend, the weather was so nice we were able to go and enjoy the Gaming outdoor pool. For those students coming in the fall, there will be a small window of opportunity to enjoy this gem here in Gaming.
The pool is like a country club in America: gorgeous scenery, crystal clear water, sand volleyball, mini-golf, green grass, a great kids pool, and best of all, a nice water slide.
A small cultural difference is the amount of safety precautions which are very few. There is one lifeguard and he does rounds….well sometimes. Sometimes he is off smoking of sitting in the shade! Such is life at the Gaming pool.
Oh, and there are very few chemicals in the pool which is just another added bonus.
Monday, May 4, 2009
River Jumping: An Innovative Way to Fundraise
Yes, the title says it all. In Gaming, nothing is “normal” which is part of what makes it so unique but also so challenging. So, when one tries to fundraise here, one can’t think normal. You sort of just have to “think outside the box.”
One of the questions that came up at the end of this semester was how to raise money from poor college students at the end of their study abroad semester to feed the poor through the amazing organization Mary's Meals?
Raising money….college students….aren’t the two polar opposites?
So one might think?
But, innovation always seeks new boundaries and new ways of solving problems, and indeed, it did not fail to come up with something out of the ordinary.
The idea was to raise money by auctioning off faculty and staff to jump into the freezing cold Mitterbach River here in Gaming.
It worked, plain and simple: watch your professor, priest, or staff member jump into the river and feed starving children at the same time---why not?
Fr. Seraphim, T.O.R said he would jump if Professor Andy Minto raised the most money. Now it became a two for one deal. Then the chaplain, Fr. Brad Lepage, T.O.R. said he would jump if a thousand euros was raised. The snowball turned quickly into an avalanche.
To his surprise, the 1,000 euros was raised!
Watch the video made by Prof. Andy Minto’s wife, Pam which she posted to Youtube: YouTube Mary's Meals Jump in Gaming
It’s a great show for a great cause. For all readers, at least check out Mary’s Meals and see how you can help. In short, for only 10 euros or $14, one can feed a child for a year! Yes, a year!!