Story from the Italian Pilgrimage: Submitted by -fall student Sean M. Breeden
This past weekend, I went to Monte Cassino, San Giovanni Rotondo, Mount St.
Michael, Lanciano, Osimo, Loreto, & Padua. The lives of the saints in all these places was so inspiring. Padre Pio at San Giovanni Rotondo was
probably the most memorable. We had the opportunity to touch & pray at his
grave, as well as to be blessed by 2nd class relics of his. Padre Pio's
example of humility, obedience, & taking up his cross by suffering silently
with no complaints is such an example to me. We read & learn about the
spiritual life in our classes. But, seeing the spiritual life lived in a
radical way by a man in such recent history solidifies my class knowledge &
makes it real & practical. It's been an awesome semester, & we still have
Rome & Assisi in a couple of days!!!--Sean M. Breeden :)