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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kissed by the Pope

Dominic Kalpakgian was kissed by the Pope during the Wednesday Audience on November 14 during the Rome and Assisi Pilgrimage!

Now, both Ari and Dominic have had the "Pope Kiss." We are wondering what we are going to have to do when we have other children....

Friday, November 23, 2007


Bella is a beautiful movie captivating audiences and critics alike, as seen in its earning the coveted People's Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival. Bella will inspire and be enjoyed by all audiences but it also has the potential to touch hearts and shake the conscience of the world.

The Catholic Association has launched a national campaign to use the movie Bella as a catalyst to renew and increase pro-life activity and advance the culture of life. This movie has already changed hearts and saved at least four children from being aborted.

Are you interested in helping spread the gospel of life through this movie? visit

Interested in learning more about Bella, watching the powerful testimony of the lead actor? visit

Interested in ways your parish or group can use this movie to advance a culture of life? visit

Are you interested in following the example of this movie by working to save women and their children from abortion? Become a lifeguard at

Michael Hernon, president of The Catholic Association launched Bella for Life with this intention: "This movie is a 'teaching moment' on the sanctity of life and the important role we can all play in saving lives. We want to encourage parishes and Catholic groups to use this as an opportunity to spread the gospel of life."

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

4 Day Italian Pilgrimage - A Student's Testimony

Story from the Italian Pilgrimage: Submitted by -fall student Sean M. Breeden

This past weekend, I went to Monte Cassino, San Giovanni Rotondo, Mount St.
Michael, Lanciano, Osimo, Loreto, & Padua. The lives of the saints in all these places was so inspiring. Padre Pio at San Giovanni Rotondo was
probably the most memorable. We had the opportunity to touch & pray at his
grave, as well as to be blessed by 2nd class relics of his. Padre Pio's
example of humility, obedience, & taking up his cross by suffering silently
with no complaints is such an example to me. We read & learn about the
spiritual life in our classes. But, seeing the spiritual life lived in a
radical way by a man in such recent history solidifies my class knowledge &
makes it real & practical. It's been an awesome semester, & we still have
Rome & Assisi in a couple of days!!!--Sean M. Breeden :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Football Fanatics


This particular flag football season has been not only extra competitive, but also a season of perpetual inclement weather.

Our first snow hit in mid-October so the field was blanketed for about two solid weeks although some brave students did try to shovel it off.

Then almost every game included pouring hard rain, sleet, or biting cold weather. But, Americans must have their football like like a mouse must have his cheese. There was no going without.

The ladies final was neck and neck with the winning team (dressed in black shirts) only securing victory after the last play was completed and the whistle blown.

The men's final was extremely physical and competitive: the old guys (team combined of ITI and FUS faculty and staff) vs. the Brothers Household and friends.

The Brothers n' company took the final as they completed their season undefeated to the end.

After all the finals games, everyone was caked in mud and we are all still wondering if the field will ever recover.

Those of us who will be here in the spring, sure hope it does!

Pray for us in Rome and Assisi.